3 Reasons A Veterinary Practice Should Use A 247 Answering Service

If you own or manage a veterinary practice, it is important for the owners of your animal patients to be able to get in touch. One way to achieve this is by investing in the services of a 24/7 answering service that specializes in working with vets. The cost of using an answering service is quite affordable, especially when you consider all of the benefits that come with this type of service. Some of the top reasons for your veterinary practice to contract with a 24/7 answering service include the following.

Improved Customer Service

It can be very frustrating for a pet owner to call a veterinary practice and not have their phone call answered. This can happen during regular business hours when the front office staff is on other calls. When you use an answering service, you will never have to worry about pet owners' calls not being answered. Every call that comes into your office will be answered by a friendly professional, which can lead to improved customer service. This can be especially helpful when new clients call — if someone is seeking veterinary care for their pet and a veterinary practice doesn't answer, the pet owner will most likely call a different veterinary office.

Accessibility During an Emergency

One of the biggest ways that veterinary practices benefit from working with a 24/7 answering service is by being available to pet owners after hours in the event of an emergency. In many cases, a pet owner may choose a vet practice that takes after-hours emergency calls over one that does not. An answering service that specializes in working with veterinary practices can assess the calls that come in after hours and determine if a veterinarian needs to be contacted at home. Being able to help when there is a pet emergency can bring in new business while also ensuring that all animal patients stay safe.

Save Money

If you run a busy and successful veterinary practice, your office may receive many phone calls throughout the day. Hiring multiple people to work in the front office of a veterinary practice can be expensive when you factor in salary, benefits, and other expenses that come with having a full-time employee. In almost all cases, contracting with a 24/7 answering service is substantially less expensive than hiring more employees to answer the phone and greet pet owners when they bring animal patients in for veterinary services. 
