Cloud-Based Phone Systems: What You Need To Know

if your business is expanding, you might have quite a few phone calls coming in, and it's possible that one or two could start falling through the cracks. If you want to ensure a more professional experience for every incoming caller, it might be time to upgrade your business phone systems. Enterprise or commercial phone systems today are capable of quite a lot, so you'll have some decisions to make before you finalize your plans. Here are some things to take into consideration before you move forward.

Cloud-Based or Landline?

Today, it's still possible to just install another landline phone or two. But today's high-end businesses are often making the switch to phone services that are hosted in the cloud. This means incoming calls are routed through the Internet and then sent to a specific phone in your office that is also connected to the cloud. These systems can take a little time to get used to, but it shouldn't be too hard if you get an expert to set it up for you. 

When you go with a cloud-based phone system, it's much easier to route an incoming call to anywhere in the building. With landlines, you'll be stuck using the one phone that the number is attached to.

What About Mobile?

Today, more and more homeowners are choosing to go without a landline and use their mobile phone as their main line. Well, what if your employees or business start doing the same thing? How would that work?

With cloud-based phone systems, the incoming call can even be re-routed to a mobile phone number if desired. This could be your personal phone or you could provide your employees with a company-owned mobile device. This will ensure that your employees will be able to answer the phone at all times regardless of whether they are in the building or out in the field.

Help Your IT Department Out

One last benefit of going with cloud-based phone systems is that any trouble can be taken care of by your service provider. If you are hosting the incoming calls not on-site but in the cloud, your own IT team won't have to worry about maintaining things. If you do encounter a phone issue, it will be taken care of for you by the hosting company. This will free up your IT department to worry about other tasks.

Contact a provider of business phone systems today for more information.
